Title: “ The Way We Learn”  

Media: Kendo  

Brief Description: This work is about my inner thoughts and how I express them to people with my own practice of martial arts. has helped me to learn many things in a different way than everyone else in the room. This was my challenge to everyone; come into this ring and fight me, but the one thing that I was not able to do was to hit back. So, I only then defended myself against anyone that came into the ring. There are two things going on that the same time that you are not able to see. One is that you hear a recording of my voice where my thoughts and what I wanted to say but can’t in the presence of people.  The other thing is that I am blinded when I am wearing the headgear. I am a person that needs to wear glasses, but because of the mask, I can’t see everything clearly. Just like my everyday life of attempting to be normal.


Wrod word 2016


Gupo 2015